Welcome to this site ‘World Map 5′.
I’m the creator of the dream map. I want to improve my English, so I write an English diary every day. Here is this week’s English diary. I hope my habits can help you achieve your dreams. Please feel free to take your time and enjoy.
🔥Tuesday,October 15th 「 大人の力 」

Today is Tuesday,October 15th.I couldn’t did mywork as expected. We played nearby park.Time to returned school,some students didn’t hope to go.I gave my studente preessure.this was reflectoin today.

1. 「Today is Tuesday,October 15th.」→「Today is Tuesday, October 15th.」
2. 「I couldn’t did my work as expected.」→「I couldn’t do my work as expected.」
3. 「We played nearby park.」→「We played at a nearby park.」
「nearby park」だけでは不完全な表現です。場所を示す前置詞「at」を加えて「at a nearby park」にすることで、意味がより明確になります。
4. 「Time to returned school, some students didn’t hope to go.」→「When it was time to return to school, some students didn’t want to go.」
「Time to returned school」という表現は文法的に不正確です。「When it was time to return to school」とすると、自然な表現になります。また、「hope to go」は不自然なので、「didn’t want to go(行きたがらなかった)」の方が適切です。
5. 「I gave my student pressure.」→「I put pressure on my students.」
「gave pressure」は不自然な表現です。「put pressure on」とすると、誰かにプレッシャーを与えるという意味が伝わりやすくなります。また、「my student」は複数の生徒を指していると考えられるため、「students」に変更します。
6. 「this was reflectoin today.」→「This was my reflection for today.」
「reflectoin」はスペルミスです。「reflection」が正しいです。また、「this was reflection」よりも「This was my reflection for today」とすることで、より自然で正確な表現になります。
“Today is Tuesday, October 15th. I couldn’t do my work as expected. We played at a nearby park. When it was time to return to school, some students didn’t want to go. I put pressure on my students. This was my reflection for today.”
💧Wednesday, October 16th 「 散歩プラス 」

Today is Wednesday,October 16th.I added walking my morning routine.I want to walk every morining.And then I will enjoy playing pokemonGO.My morningrutine is getting more and more fun.

1. 「Today is Wednesday,October 16th.」→「Today is Wednesday, October 16th.」
2. 「I added walking my morning routine.」→「I added walking to my morning routine.」
3. 「I want to walk every morining.」→「I want to walk every morning.」
4. 「And then I will enjoy playing pokemonGO.」→「And then I enjoy playing Pokémon GO.」
「And then」は不要で、「I enjoy playing Pokémon GO.」でシンプルに表現します。また、「pokemonGO」は正しくは「Pokémon GO」と大文字で書きます。
5. 「My morningrutine is getting more and more fun.」→「My morning routine is getting more and more fun.」
「morningrutine」は「morning routine」と分けて書く必要があります。
“Today is Wednesday, October 16th. I added walking to my morning routine. I want to walk every morning. I enjoy playing Pokémon GO. My morning routine is getting more and more fun.”
🌳Thursday, October 17th 「 最善の習慣 」

Today is thursday, October 17th.I added to walking in my morning routine.My morning routine is best now.But I already think to want more and more better.I and my routine is continue to grow.

1. 「Today is thursday, October 17th.」→「Today is Thursday, October 17th.」
2. 「I added to walking in my morning routine.」→「I added walking to my morning routine.」
「add to」ではなく「added walking to」で「~を追加する」という意味が正確に伝わります。
3. 「My morning routine is best now.」→「My morning routine is the best now.」
4. 「But I already think to want more and more better.」→「But I already want it to be even better.」
「think to want」は不自然な表現なので、「already want it to be」で「さらに良くしたい」という意味に修正します。「more and more better」も「even better」に簡潔にします。
5. 「I and my routine is continue to grow.」→「My routine and I continue to grow.」
“Today is Thursday, October 17th. I added walking to my morning routine. My morning routine is the best now. But I already want it to be even better. My routine and I continue to grow.”
🏁Friday, October 18th 「 運動会 」

Today is Friday, October 18th.there was my children’s school sport festival. It was different from what I was image.However they did best.We will eat yakiniku to celebrate they hard work.

1. 「Today is Friday, October 18th.」→「Today is Friday, October 18th.」
2. 「there was my children’s school sport festival.」→「There was my child’s school sports festival.」
「sport festival」よりも「sports festival(運動会)」が自然な表現です。また、「my children’s」だと複数の子どもを指すように見えますが、文脈的に単数であると考え、「my child’s」と修正します。
3. 「It was different from what I was image.」→「It was different from what I had imagined.」
「what I was image」は文法的に不正確です。「what I had imagined」と過去完了形を使うことで、「自分が想像していたもの」と過去のイメージを正確に表現します。
4. 「However they did best.」→「However, they did their best.」
「did best」では不十分で、正確には「they did their best(彼らは最善を尽くした)」と表現します。また、「However,」の後にはカンマを入れます。
5. 「We will eat yakiniku to celebrate they hard work.」→「We will eat yakiniku to celebrate their hard work.」
「they hard work」ではなく、「their hard work(彼らの努力)」が正しい表現です。
“Today is Friday, October 18th. There was my child’s school sports festival. It was different from what I had imagined. However, they did their best. We will eat yakiniku to celebrate their hard work.”

最新記事はコチラ🫱 👂🧳📱
人気の記事はコチラ🫱 📱
📱中古デバイスショップ Back MarketさんでiPhoneを購入してみた
耳勉強はコチラ🫱 👂📝
地図屋の耳勉強集 2024年5月 特別編 〜うまくいく人は「ひとり言」が多い〜
5月の耳勉強集 〜 休みにくい今のための休み方 〜

Have a nice dream day.🎫✈️