
Today’s English Diary🇳🇿 October 7th to October 11th


Welcome to this site World Map 5′.

I’m the creator of the dream map. I want to improve my English, so I write an English diary every day. Here is this week’s English diary. I hope my habits can help you achieve your dreams. Please feel free to take your time and enjoy.

🌕Monday,October 7th 「 いつも通り 」


Monday,October 7th.We had a sport festhival in our nersury school the day before yesterday.We were enjoing.But one boy was gloommy expression.He feared his parent.He was very stless.He was behaving unlike himeself.Today,He was violent and restless today.So he behaving like himself in school.



1. **「Monday, October 7th.」**

   – この部分は問題ありませんが、「Today is」を加えるとより自然です。

   – **修正案**: “Today is Monday, October 7th.”

2. **「We had a sport festhival in our nersury school the day before yesterday.」**

   – 「festhival」はスペルミスで「festival」、「nersury」は「nursery」が正しいです。また、「sport」は「sports」にするのが一般的です。

   – **修正案**: “We had a sports festival at our nursery school the day before yesterday.”

3. **「We were enjoing.」**

   – 「enjoing」はスペルミスで「enjoying」が正しいです。また、「We were enjoying ourselves.」とすると、より自然な表現になります。

   – **修正案**: “We were enjoying ourselves.”

4. **「But one boy was gloommy expression.」**

   – 「gloommy」はスペルミスで「gloomy」が正しいです。「was gloomy expression」では不自然なので、「had a gloomy expression」にします。

   – **修正案**: “But one boy had a gloomy expression.”

5. **「He feared his parent.」**

   – 「feared his parent」も通じますが、より自然な表現は「He was afraid of his parents.」です。「parent」は複数形にするのが一般的です。

   – **修正案**: “He was afraid of his parents.”

6. **「He was very stless.」**

   – 「stless」はスペルミスで「stressed」が正しいです。

   – **修正案**: “He was very stressed.”

7. **「He was behaving unlike himeself.」**

   – 「himeself」はスペルミスで「himself」が正しいです。また、「unlike himself」でも意味は通じますが、「He wasn’t acting like himself.」の方が自然です。

   – **修正案**: “He wasn’t acting like himself.”

8. **「Today,He was violent and restless today.」**

   – 「Today」が2回繰り返されているので、文頭の「Today,」を削除します。また、「He」は小文字にします。

   – **修正案**: “He was violent and restless today.”

9. **「So he behaving like himself in school.」**

   – 「So he behaving」では文法的に正しくないため、「So he was behaving」に修正します。また、「again」を加えることで、元に戻ったことを強調します。

   – **修正案**: “So he was behaving like himself again at school.”


“Today is Monday, October 7th. We had a sports festival at our nursery school the day before yesterday. We were enjoying ourselves, but one boy had a gloomy expression. He was afraid of his parents and was very stressed. He wasn’t acting like himself. He was violent and restless today, so he was behaving like himself again at school.”


🔥Tuesday,October 8th. 「 私の趣味 」


Today is Tuesday,October 8th.I introduce my hobby today.  My hobby is the habit for my grow up for my self.This is study,read,exrcise,walk and so on.And is  pokemonGO.



1. **「Today is Tuesday, October 8th.」**

   – この部分は正しいので、特に修正の必要はありません。

2. **「I introduce my hobby today.」**

   – 「introduce my hobby today」は少し不自然です。「Today, I’d like to introduce my hobbies.」や「Let me introduce my hobbies today.」とするとより自然になります。

   – **修正案**: “Today, I’d like to introduce my hobbies.”

3. **「My hobby is the habit for my grow up for my self.」**

   – この文は意味が少し不明確です。「my grow up」は「my growth」に、「for my self」は「for myself」に修正する必要があります。また、全体として「My hobbies are habits that help me grow」などにすると、より意味が明確になります。

   – **修正案**: “My hobbies are habits that help me grow.”

4. **「This is study, read, exrcise, walk and so on.」**

   – 「exrcise」はスペルミスで「exercise」が正しいです。また、「This is」ではなく「These include」を使って、複数の趣味をリストアップする方が自然です。

   – **修正案**: “These include studying, reading, exercising, walking, and so on.”

5. **「And is pokemonGO.」**

   – 文の構造が不完全なので、「Another one is Pokémon GO.」と修正する必要があります。

   – **修正案**: “Another one is Pokémon GO.”


“Today is Tuesday, October 8th. Today, I’d like to introduce my hobbies. My hobbies are habits that help me grow. These include studying, reading, exercising, walking, and so on. Another one is Pokémon GO.”


💧Wednesday,October 9th. 「 子どもの声 」


Today is wednesday,October 9th.I think Most  important of early education is children’s view.It reveale by children’s voice ,expression,emotion,action.I was told it NZ early education teacher.I respect her.



1. 「Most important of early education」→「The most important aspect of early education」

「Most important of ~」の表現は文法的に不自然です。正しくは「The most important aspect of ~」など、「~にとって最も重要な側面」という表現が一般的です。

2. 「children’s view」→「children’s perspective」


3. 「It reveale by children’s voice, expression, emotion, action.」→「This is revealed through children’s voices, expressions, emotions, and actions.」


4. 「I was told it NZ early education teacher.」→「I was told this by a New Zealand early education teacher.」

「it」という代名詞は何を指しているのかが不明確なので、ここでは「this」を使って文脈を明確にします。また、「NZ early education teacher」も少し簡略すぎるので、「a New Zealand early education teacher」と書くことで自然な表現になります。


“The most important aspect of early education is children’s perspective. This is revealed through children’s voices, expressions, emotions, and actions. I was told this by a New Zealand early education teacher, whom I respect.”


🌳Thursday,October 10th. 「 幸せを望む 」


Today is turseday,October 10th.I hope to hapiness for children.And their parent,teacher,and around many people.But japan sociaty is not good for people.I feeling that things arent’t going well.As aresult ,Many people is suffewring. 



1. 「Today is turseday,October 10th.」→「Today is Thursday, October 10th.」

「turseday」はスペルミスです。「Thursday」が正しいです。また、「October 10th」の前にはカンマを入れて、日付と曜日を区切ります。

2. 「I hope to hapiness for children.」→「I hope for happiness for children.」

「hope to」は不自然な使い方です。正しくは「hope for happiness」として、「幸せを望む」という意味を表現します。

3. 「And their parent,teacher,and around many people.」→「And for their parents, teachers, and the people around them.

「parent」と「teacher」は単数形ですが、ここでは「親たち」「先生たち」と複数を指しているので、それぞれ複数形にします。また「around many people」も「the people around them」とすると、より自然で意味が明確になります。

4. 「But japan sociaty is not good for people.」→「But Japanese society is not good for people.」


5. 「I feeling that things arent’t going well.」→「I feel that things aren’t going well.」

「I feeling」ではなく、「I feel」と現在形にします。「aren’t」もタイポがありますので、正しいスペルに修正します。

6. 「As aresult, Many people is suffewring.」→「As a result, many people are suffering.」

「As aresult」と「Many people is」はそれぞれ「As a result」と「many people are」に修正します。「people」は複数なので、動詞は「is」ではなく「are」です。また、「suffewring」は「suffering」のスペルミスです。


“Today is Thursday, October 10th. I hope for happiness for children, and for their parents, teachers, and the people around them. But Japanese society is not good for people. I feel that things aren’t going well. As a result, many people are suffering.”



🏁Friday, October 11th. 「 花金 」


Today is Friday,October 11th.I finished this week work today.I am relaxing myself now.Friday is relax and guard down myself.But I have to do rutine for my drem today too.Friday is day of conflict by meyself.



1. 「Today is Friday,October 11th.」→「Today is Friday, October 11th.」


2. 「I finished this week work today.」→「I finished this week’s work today.」

「this week work」だと不自然なので、所有格の「this week’s work」に変更します。「今週の仕事」という意味が明確になります。

3. 「I am relaxing myself now.」→「I am relaxing now.」

「relaxing myself」は不要です。「relaxing」自体に「自分をリラックスさせる」という意味が含まれているため、「myself」を使わずに「I am relaxing now」で十分です。

4. 「Friday is relax and guard down myself.」→「Friday is a day to relax and let my guard down.」

「relax」と「guard down myself」は不自然な表現です。正しくは「Friday is a day to relax and let my guard down(リラックスして気を緩める日)」と表現すると自然です。

5. 「But I have to do rutine for my drem today too.」→「But I have to do my routine for my dream today too.」

「rutine」は「routine」、また「drem」は「dream」のスペルミスです。さらに、「do routine」だけだと不自然なので、「do my routine」とすることで、「自分のルーティンをこなす」という意味が明確になります。

6. 「Friday is day of conflict by meyself.」→「Friday is a day of conflict for me.」

「by myself」はこの文脈では不自然です。「for me」を使って、「自分にとって葛藤の日」という意味にします。


“Today is Friday, October 11th. I finished this week’s work today. I am relaxing now. Friday is a day to relax and let my guard down. But I have to do my routine for my dream today too. Friday is a day of conflict for me.”







Have a nice dream day.🎫✈️


