
Today’s English Diary🇳🇿 September 30rd to October 4th


Welcome to this site World Map 5′.

I’m the creator of the dream map. I want to improve my English, so I write an English diary every day. Here is this week’s English diary. I hope my habits can help you achieve your dreams. Please feel free to take your time and enjoy.

🌕Monday,September 30th.「 これが日本の幼児教育? 」


Monday,September 30th.I often think,Japanese early education techer become good maneger.Because they pretned thant nothing happens.If their teamate absent even continue their education without any replenishment.So they are getting used to providing inadequate education.



1. **日付表記の修正**  

   – “Monday, September 30th.”は正しい表記で、特に修正は必要ありません。

2. **文法と句読点の修正**  

   – “I often think,Japanese early education techer become good maneger.”の部分では、コンマの後にスペースが必要です。また、”techer”は“teacher”、”maneger”は“manager”のスペルミスです。”become”は“becomes”に変更し、主語と動詞の一致を確保します。  

     修正例:“I often think Japanese early education teachers become good managers.”

3. **因果関係の表現改善**  

   – “Because they pretned thant nothing happens.”の部分では、”pretned”は“pretend”、”thant”は“that”のスペルミスです。また、この文は従属節のため、前の文とつなげると自然な表現になります。  

     修正例:“because they pretend that nothing happens.”

4. **句読点の使い方**  

   – “If their teamate absent even continue their education without any replenishment.”の部分は、”If their teammate is absent,”の後にコンマを追加し、”even continue”の”even”は冗長なので省略します。また、”teammate”のスペルミスを修正し、”is”を追加して文法を整えます。  

     修正例:“If their teammate is absent, they continue their education without any replenishment.”

5. **表現の改善**  

   – “So they are getting used to providing inadequate education.”の部分は文法的には正しいですが、少し不自然に感じられます。文の流れを滑らかにするため、“As a result, they become accustomed to providing inadequate education.”とすると良いでしょう。


“Monday, September 30th. I often think Japanese early education teachers become good managers because they pretend that nothing happens. If their teammate is absent, they continue their education without any replenishment. As a result, they become accustomed to providing inadequate education.”


🔥Tuesday, October 1st.「 仕事の質は語り合い 」


Tuseday , Octorber 1th.I had good discussion with my teammate.I think to need discussion for well work.And so it is make good comunication and good feeling. 



1. **日付表記のスペルミス**  

   – “Tuseday”は”Tuesday”、”Octorber”は“October”のスペルミスです。また、”1th”は“1st”が正しいです。  

     修正例:”Tuesday, October 1st.”

2. **文法と語順の修正**  

   – “I had good discussion with my teammate.”の部分は、“a”という冠詞が必要です。”I had a good discussion with my teammate.”が正しいです。  

     修正例:“I had a good discussion with my teammate.”

3. **表現の自然さ**  

   – “I think to need discussion for well work.”の部分は不自然です。”I think we need discussions to work well.”や”I think having discussions is necessary for good work.”の方が自然です。  

     修正例:“I think we need discussions to work well.”

4. **文法と表現の修正**  

   – “And so it is make good comunication and good feeling.”の部分は文法的に誤りがあります。”it is make”の代わりに“It helps create”や”It leads to”が適切です。また、”comunication”は“communication”のスペルミスです。  

     修正例:”And it helps create good communication and a positive feeling.”


“Tuesday, October 1st. I had a good discussion with my teammate. I think we need discussions to work well. It also helps create good communication and a positive feeling.”


💧Wednesday,October 2nd.「 誕生日 」


Wednesday,October 2nd.Today is my child birthday.I glad it.she is like hayashi rice.I cooked it.I hope to contine stay healthy to her from now on.添削点を日本語で解説してください。



1. **「Today is my child birthday.」**

   – 「my child」だと性別がわからないので、「my child’s birthday」のように「’s」を追加して所有格にします。また、「child」は単数形で使われていますが、「she」とあるので、「daughter(娘)」が適切です。

   – **修正案**: “Today is my daughter’s birthday.”

2. **「I glad it.」**

   – 「glad」は形容詞なので、主語とbe動詞が必要です。「I am glad」や「I’m glad」のようにします。

   – **修正案**: “I’m glad.”

3. **「she is like hayashi rice.」**

   – 「she is like」だと「彼女はハヤシライスのようだ」と解釈されてしまいます。ここでは「彼女はハヤシライスが好き」という意味だと思いますので、「She likes hayashi rice」にします。

   – **修正案**: “She likes hayashi rice.”

4. **「I cooked it.」**

   – 文法的には問題ありませんが、「hayashi rice」を具体的に指すなら「I cooked it.」でも良いですが、「I made it.」も一般的です。

   – **修正案**: “I cooked it.”

5. **「I hope to contine stay healthy to her from now on.」**

   – 「continue」と「stay」が並んでいるため、動詞の使い方が不自然です。「continue to stay healthy for her」または「I hope she continues to stay healthy」が自然です。また、「from now on」はそのまま使えます。

   – **修正案**: “I hope she continues to stay healthy from now on.”


“Today is my daughter’s birthday. I’m glad. She likes hayashi rice, so I cooked it. I hope she continues to stay healthy from now on.”


🌳Thursday,October 3rd. 「 反省が成長 」


Thursday,October 3rd.I reflected myself.I sometimes belived that  my ideas are correct.It was denied today. Because I realized through conversations with teammatees.I could grow up thanks to that.



1. **「Thursday, October 3rd.」**

   – 日付の書き方は文法的に正しいですが、もう少し自然な表現にするために、前に “Today is” を追加すると良いです。

   – **修正案**: “Today is Thursday, October 3rd.”

2. **「I reflected myself.」**

   – 「reflect oneself」という表現は不自然です。「I reflected on myself」や「I reflected on my actions」のように、何に対して振り返ったのかを明確にすると良いです。

   – **修正案**: “I reflected on myself.”

3. **「I sometimes belived that my ideas are correct.」**

   – 「belived」はスペルミスで「believed」が正しいです。また、時制の一貫性を持たせるため、「are correct」ではなく「were correct」にします。

   – **修正案**: “I sometimes believed that my ideas were correct.”

4. **「It was denied today.」**

   – 「It was denied today.」は意味は通じますが、「denied」は少し強すぎる印象を与える可能性があります。「I was proven wrong」や「I realized I was wrong」の方が柔らかく自然です。

   – **修正案**: “I realized I was wrong today.”

5. **「Because I realized through conversations with teammatees.」**

   – 「Because」で始まる文が単独で存在するのは文法的に正しくありません。また、「teammatees」はスペルミスで「teammates」が正しいです。文全体を「through conversations with my teammates, I realized…」のように再構成すると、よりスムーズです。

   – **修正案**: “Through conversations with my teammates, I realized this.”

6. **「I could grow up thanks to that.」**

   – 「grow up」は成長の過程を指すので、大人になってからの「成長」を表すには不適切です。「I could grow」または「I was able to grow」などが自然です。

   – **修正案**: “I was able to grow thanks to that.”


“Today is Thursday, October 3rd. I reflected on myself. I sometimes believed that my ideas were correct, but through conversations with my teammates, I realized I was wrong. I was able to grow thanks to that.”


🏁Friday, October 4th. 「 運動会 」


Today is Fridy,October 4th.There is our nursery school sport festhival.We hope our styudent join and enjoying.And I want to enjoy too.



1. **「Today is Fridy, October 4th.」**

   – 「Fridy」はスペルミスで「Friday」が正しいです。

   – **修正案**: “Today is Friday, October 4th.”

2. **「There is our nursery school sport festhival.」**

   – 「festhival」はスペルミスで「festival」が正しいです。また、「There is」だと場所の存在を表す表現になるため、イベントに対しては「We have」を使う方が自然です。

   – **修正案**: “We have our nursery school sports festival.”

3. **「We hope our styudent join and enjoying.」**

   – 「styudent」はスペルミスで「student」が正しいです。また、「join」と「enjoying」の時制が一致していません。「We hope our students join and enjoy it」と修正すると自然になります。また、「students」と複数形にするのが一般的です。

   – **修正案**: “We hope our students join and enjoy it.”

4. **「And I want to enjoy too.」**

   – 「And」で始まる文はカジュアルな表現ですが、正式な文にしたい場合は接続詞を避け、「I also want to enjoy it.」のように書くと自然です。

   – **修正案**: “I also want to enjoy it.”


“Today is Friday, October 4th. We have our nursery school sports festival. We hope our students join and enjoy it, and I also want to enjoy it.”






Have a nice dream day.🎫✈️


